How Many Narcissists Does it Take to Change a Light Bulb?
We took a fun humor break on my Confusion to Clarity Facebook page (be sure to follow me) and here are the gems that were posted to the question “How many narcissists does it take to change a light bulb?”
None, they use gaslighting.
One… they hold it in place and wait for the world to revolve around them…
None, they think their "shining light" is enough for the world.
Light bulb? Everybody know that isn't a light bulb. And even if it was, it wouldn't need changing. Anyone can see the lighting in here is great. You need to get your eyes checked.
None because we do it for them and then hear about how we did it wrong.
Light bulb? Oh, you mean it’s still not working?
What light bulb?
None, they don't know how to change a bulb, only how to shine it on themselves.
None, they prefer to keep things in the dark anyway.
They just get you to change it and then convince you that they did.
None, because it is all your fault that the light bulb went out.
Depends on who's watching.
None, because the light is working.
None, because they find a source to do everything.
It's not my responsibility.
None. It's someone else's job so they can moan at them later when the bulb ultimately blows again.
They don’t need to change the bulb. It’s not broken. What’s wrong with you? Why would you think that?
It wasn't me.
None. They will leave it for you to do and then complain about how you did it wrong.
Well, I didn’t do it. I think you are imagining it. That bulb isn’t broken. It works just fine. But if it’s dark in the room is really all your fault! And why do you have to be so sensitive. Geez, it’s only a light bulb. I was just kidding.
If you want more humor, be sure to read “Why Did the Narcissist Cross the Road?”
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