Healing from a destructive, abusive marriage is possible!
You can heal a broken heart, mind,
and spirit.
You really can find yourself again.
Hope is here in the Arise Healing Community:
A gentle, guided healing journey taking you step by step into clarity, growth, strength, confidence,
and freedom
A loving community where you
will find support for your
heart, mind, body, and spirit
A safe haven to help you go from being a
struggling survivor to an
empowered, arising, thriving survivor –
the strong, capable woman
God created you to be
Wondering how healing is possible?
Watch this quick video!

Are you wondering
“Can I ever trust myself or others again?”
"Can I find myself again? I hardly know who I am anymore."
"Why do I feel so overwhelmed and emotionally unstable?
“Is healing from abuse even possible?”
If so, you are not alone.
I have helped hundreds of women who were asking the same questions.
Research has shown that trauma deeply affects our bodies and brains.
Feelings of overwhelm, being triggered, anxiety, depression and other trauma reactions originate inan overactive nervous system and brain,
not in our thoughts.
That’s why talk therapy, changing our thoughts, or
even the Biblical approach of renewing our mind
doesn’t heal our trauma or even help us cope with it very well.
Thankfully, very effective, simple tools have been developed for trauma healing
but these tools arerarely talked about by doctors, oreven counselors and coaches.
Imagine being able to live free from the anxiety, fear, depression, self-doubt, loneliness, PTSD and all you struggle with.
Imagine no longer feeling disconnected from yourself, others, and God

“Through Arise I came to realize I was living in a state of constant stress, continually being triggered and always on guard. I now understand how to use the tools to lower stress, to improve sleep, to improve my health, to be empowered to believe in myself and, with God’s help, to move forward in healing.”
“I did counseling for 3 years and yet I still felt blocked from actually living free…
The aspect of the body and brain is the missing link.”
“I wanted to pour my energy into recovering rather than surviving. I’m determined to recover and have that abundant life that God promises. Arise has been the most beneficial thing that I have done. I’m actually sad for every woman that is not doing the Arise work. I wish they knew how much it helps.”
"It is powerfully helpful to learn the physiological impact of abuse on both the body and the brain..to know one is not crazy..and to be given the tools to be released from the spider web of lies we live in."

"Arise is the best group out there to help you heal from the trauma of emotional abuse.
Other groups focus on the how of getting divorced, but this group focuses on how to heal. Helena's teaching is extremely sensitiveand full of wisdom.
It is a very loving community where everyone is supported right where they are at.
This group has been transformative for me."
"Finally I have an explanation for why my body and mind shut down on me.
Before Arise I had no understanding or tools, just shame, and I thought I was defective or sinful.
Now I can overcome the way my reactions have prevented me
from moving forward with
the goals and dreams for my life."

What’s Inside Arise?
Trauma-informed teachings that you can take at your own pace. These offer you a guided healing journey to strengthen and heal your heart, your mind, your spirit, and your trauma-reactive brain
and nervous system.
Compassionate, personal one-on-one trauma coaching in a loving group setting to help you get unstuck and move along the healing journey.
Daily support from other survivors as well as several online gatherings each month for fellowship and worship. Isolation amplifies our suffering and hampers our healing, so let yourself be loved by our amazing community of women who understand the fear of grappling with our life, our feelings, our faith, and our future.
Over 30 powerful tools for calming triggers, overwhelming emotions and your nervous system,
changing toxic beliefs, healing spiritual abuse, and reconnecting with God.
Guest experts like Dr. George Simon teach on a new topic each month such as parental alienation, helping your kids through divorce, health issues from abuse, preparing for divorce, finding a skilled therapist and more.
Q and A
Monthly live Q and A to bring clarity to your questions about abuse, trauma, parenting, spiritual struggles and
your healing journey.
Arise: a gentle, guided healing journey
taking you step by step into
strength, clarity, growth, and freedom
Healing for Your Heart
• healing for grief, self-blame, guilt, self-doubt, shame, and self-criticism
• discover how to calm your overwhelming emotions
• reconnect with your lost self and live in self-compassion and self-trust
• know if you need to work more deeply with a counselor and exactly what to look for when choosing one
Healing for Your Mind
• know what made you vulnerable to abuse (and how to never go through it again)
• sort out truth and lies
• get free from trauma bonding and cognitive dissonance
• detach from controlling, toxic people and set boundaries
• grow in self-leadership, self-advocacy, self-empowerment and confidence
• learn gentle parenting and how to help your traumatized kids
Healing for Your Body
• understand why trauma makes you feel so unstable emotionally
• discover how to manage trauma reactions and triggers
• calm and rewire your reactive brain and nervous system
• develop self-care for your trauma
• discover a variety of concrete tools for reducing and healing trauma and PTSD, with live coaching to help the tools become easy, go-to resources.
Healing for Your Spirit
• recover from spiritual abuse and betrayal
• get free from legalism and spiritual lies used to control you
• know how to deeply trust God again
• join our live, online Fellowship Gatherings for church the way it's meant to be
Hear how some of our Arise Sisters have grown and healed
"Arise is a safe space for women who desperately need understanding and validation after abuse, as well as practical tools to calm their
nervous system after trauma.
Helena has created an exceptional resource for healing from
spousal and spiritual abuse."
"Most vitally helpful to me are the tools and techniques I learned from Helena to calm the nervous system and help the brain regulate so you can calm
and think and heal.
They are scientifically proven effective and can heal CPTSD much more quickly that without using these tools."
"Helena's voice in the videos is very calming when you're feeling distressed and she always points us back to Jesus.
She is filling a huge need for Christian women seeking compassionate and wise helpduring and after abuse."

Meet your gentle healing guide- Helena KNOWLTON
I’ve survived a lifetime of abuse– childhood sexual abuse, being in a Christian cult for years, and being married to a covert psychological abuser for 19 years. I’ve also survived several suicide attempts. My life is amazing now- really, I still can hardly believe what it’s like to be fully healed and at peace.
After divorcing my covertly abusive husband in 2011, I started my long journey of healing. I did talk therapy and sought God all day, every day for healing. I came a long way and thought I was as healed as I could get.
But, thankfully, there was more for me.
When I understood how the trauma was still affecting me, I began my journey into the deep healing that changed my life. I finally discovered what it was like to live in true peace when the effects of the trauma from my life were no longer in control.
As a trauma-informed, certified coach, I created Arise, a journey of healing for survivors so they can find peace with our loving God, experience their inner life with compassion and love, and to become free and healed.
I created Arise, a journey of healing for your soul, and peace with your loving God, so you can experience your inner life with compassion, love, and acceptance, and be free from the fear of yourself and your life.
I know you can live in peace with the past,
live free in the present, and
have hope for the future.
Featured in:
"Lay 'minister' Helena Lovejoy-Knowlton shares how Christians can minister to traumatized victims of marital abuse"
Do you want to get started on your healing journey?

"I've been in a different group for Christian women in destructive marriages for 2 1/2 years.
But I have been so stuck in my trauma.
Arise is EXACTLY what I needed."
"Helena has truly laid out a beautiful way for us to heal. Her gentleness and grace towards us is the most incredible gift.
Just from her example and the words I hear her speak,
I am kinder to myself."

I’ve been helping abused women of faith
for over 10 years.
If we could sit down for tea right now,
here’s what I’d say to you:
I believe you and I believe in you.
I believe in your goodness, strength, courage,
kindness, and integrity.
I believe in your ability to love others, God, and yourself,
even if you don’t feel like you can.
I know you’ve done your very best in an impossible situation, and I know God sees you, understands, and loves you deeply.
You aren’t at fault for the abuse or what it has done to you.
You aren’t the problem and
you don’t need to be afraid of yourself.
You’ve been deeply affected by brainwashing, blame, guilt, self-doubt, confusion, and trauma that comes from abuse.
But you can find yourself again.
And you can discover how to trust God again.
You can heal.
You can make it– you just need the right tools. And if you use these tools, the journey will be easier and faster.
You’ll love the woman you’ll become
(she’s in there somewhere, no matter how empty you feel!)
It’s so worth the work to become the you
God created you to be.
"Arise has taught me how to to think more clearly and calm myself before responding to a situation rather than just panic and freeze/fawn/flee, and to get in touch with my true self,
and let God love me.
I now know how valuable I am to Him. I am so grateful to God that I found you."
"Arise is an excellent and comprehensive resource. It has everything I need in one spot.
It covers every aspect of abuse and recovery. The tools are a must and
really work."
“Arise is almost free, but it's the equivalent of joining a trauma mastermind group that would cost $20,000.”
"I was unsure whether to join, but within a very short time I realised the healing programme covered every aspect of the effect of abuse and healing all which can be done at your own pace.
Don’t hesitate to join, it has opened my eyes and set me on the path to healing."

Frequently Asked Questions
There’s only so far you can go in the free group. It’s great for realizing you are being abused and getting support and confirmation. But so many women get stuck in their healing without guided help so I created Arise.
Arise is the only program that is trauma-informed. I've been extensively trained in trauma healing and I bring that expertise to all the teachings, tools, and coaching in Arise. Trauma research shows that changing thoughts and beliefs is not effective for changing emotions based in trauma.
Other groups teach you one cognitive coaching method to change thoughts and beliefs. For everyone and every issue. I teach that one as well as 25 other tools that integrate healing for your nervous system and brain to transform your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and spirit. As one member says, "There are tools here that I had not heard of in any other place."
As a survivor of trauma myself, I want to empower you to make real changes in your life.
I totally understand that! You get to choose which resources in Arise are most helpful for you- everything is optional. The teachings in Arise are broken into very short videos (with audios and transcripts available) that you can go through at your own pace.
As our members say, "This program does not add to the stress one is already living in. Rather I find the pace to be slow and steady, each step builds one’s internal strength and clarity without adding guilt or shame." "I can skip around and go where I need to go when necessary in the teachings.There is so much here that I can customize and apply it to my unique situation."
$33 a month, billed monthly (you can cancel at any time) or $330 for a year’s subscription - 2 months free! (non-refundable).
Arise costs a fraction of what you'd pay for therapy or doctor bills to deal with the psychological and physiological effects that abuse has had on you. If you knew that you'd be a more peaceful, calm, self-loving, and hopeful women in a few months, how much would that be worth to you? You are worth investing only $33 to see if Arise is for you!
You can pay with a preloaded VISA gift card or see if you can use a friend's or family member's card and pay them back, or better yet, see if they will give you a year's gift-subscription. (Contact me directly for arrangements.)
In Arise you’ll discover tools to help you to sort this out. I understand this confusion- I lived in it for years. The loving community of women will also help and support you and you can always bring your questions to our coaching and Q and A's.
Arise is perfect for you. You are not alone. You’ll discover what's driving the wild swings of emotions and your emotional instability- it may be trauma, it may be the need for boundaries, and it may be both. You‘ll learn how to create a stable internal world by calming the emotional overwhelm and you'll learn what boundaries you need for yourself.
Great!! Arise will complement the counseling you're already doing. The teachings will probably give you insights to share with your counselor. In fact we've had members teach the tools to their therapists! But best of all, you’ll have a community of friends to walk the journey with who know exactly what you are going through.
For some women, depending on the complexity of the abuse they’ve suffered, and if they’ve also experienced childhood abuse, individual trauma therapy is needed for complete healing. The tools you’ll learn in Arise will help prepare you for deeper therapy and can make it easier. And you'll learn how to find a skilled trauma therapist.
No problem! You will learn tools to help you whether you want to stay, want to figure out if you should leave, or are ready to leave. Arise will strengthen you in your mind, heart, and spirit.
This is a safe place, so no one will force you to do anything you aren’t ready for. But you may find that the trauma-based tools will make the work easier than anything else you’ve tried. When we try to heal our pain using only talk therapy and our mind, we can get lost in the feelings. But when we use tools that calm down the emotions, the healing is less brutal.
I’m not saying there’s a magic potion here, because there’s no getting around the fact that being abused is incredibly painful and it does take work to heal. But life doesn’t have to overwhelm you!
Give it a try and see! Arise has many resources and you'll probably find at least one that will be helpful for you. There are many different tools available. Some work for some women, and others work for others. I teach a such a variety of tools so you’ll be able to find the ones that work for you.
Have more questions? Feel free to email me at helena@arisehealingcommunity.com
"Anyone will greatly benefit from Arise.
Unhealthy conceptions and scripture-twisted conceptions can be examined, corrected and discussed lovingly,
excellently, and respectfully."
"I was struggling with depression, anxiety, confusion and did not know what to do to free myself. I was so afraid of what would happen to me once I decided to end my marriage.
The teachings have helped me enormously
and has brought me out of the brain fog and confusion. I have a compass through Arise to get me back on track to living a fulfilling and peaceful life."
"Arise has changed my focus. Before, I lived in this huge self-blaming, confusing mess. Now I can confront the mess, dissect it, deconstruct it, understand it, and detach myself from those parts that are not my responsibility."
"It’s so sad that we women who have been abused for years still have so many years of pain and sadness after we get out.
I thought I would just bounce back and feel free after I escaped, but it’s not like that. There is so much fallout!
It would be so lonely and painful to not have the understanding and empathy we have in Arise."