“Is this Abuse?”
the 6 step guide to uncovering hidden/covert abuse
is an in-depth, 26 page Guide
You’ll be gently guided through a 6 step process to bring to light any covert abuse in your marriage
You’ll get a clear picture of how it’s happening and how it impacts you.
You’ll get some resources about what to do next.
Get the Free Guide:
These are signs of covert/hidden emotional and psychological abuse.
Does your relationship feel crazy-making but you can’t explain what he’s doing?
Are you totally confused? Sometimes wondering if you’re being abused, but sometimes worried you’re over-reacting?
Do you often end up feeling at fault and defending yourself even though your husband appears to be supportive and nice?
Do you question your perceptions and wonder “Is it me or is it him?”
Do definitions of emotional abuse seem to not fit your situation because you aren’t being controlled, threatened or yelled at?
Have you read about narcissists and some descriptions fit, but many don’t?
OTHER Helpful resources
For other articles and resources about
covert/hidden abuse,
Spiritual abuse
making decisions about your marriage,
and healing from abuse
take a look here.
If you’d like to join other women in their journey of healing from the trauma of spiritual abuse and emotional and psychological spousal abuse, and learn practical tools for healing, you can read about the Arise Healing Community here.