Are you ready to heal and find yourself again?
You can heal!
Healing takes commitment and work- but you put so much commitment and work into your marriage with no results,
it’s time to put those amazing qualities to work to create the life and future you want.
You have the strength to heal, no matter how worn out
you feel right now.
Free Download
Once you’ve downloaded “How Do I Heal?” scroll down for more articles to help you on your healing journey.
Ready to make some decisions? Wondering what do next?
Once we’ve identified the problem in our marriage as abuse,
it feels like our life is falling down around us.
We hardly know who we are anymore.
But you can make decisions.
Set boundaries.
Focus on your own life.
And find clarity for your future.
You can move forward.
Free Download
Once you’ve downloaded the Guide to Myths, scroll down for more articles to help you on your journey of making decisions.
Are you wondering if you’re being psychologically and emotionally abused?
Have you been searching the internet trying to understand what’s going on in your confusing relationship?
Do you feel like you’re you living on a merry-go-round?
Does this sound like you?
“I just can’t explain what he’s doing but I feel like I’m walking on eggshells.”
“I’m desperate to know, ‘Is it me or is it him?’”
“I don't feel safe with my own husband but I can't even decide if he actually mistreats me.”
Are you living with
~ profound confusion and pain about your marriage?
~ emotional distress and instability?
~ self-doubt, anxiety, guilt, and loss of self?
~ blaming yourself for how you feel and act?
The “Is This Abuse?” Guide will help you clear away the confusion and see the unseen.
You can read more about covert emotional and psychological abuse here.
Free Download
This 26-page guide covers signs, symptoms, relationship dynamics, characteristics of covert abusers, tactics and covert behaviors in detail.
Once you’ve downloaded the Guides, scroll down for more articles to help you on your journey to find answers.
The Resource page below has more articles to help you in all stages
of your journey
(You can always access this page through the Articles link at the top of every page)
Sanity coaching can help you get off the merry-go-round,
unravel the confusion,
find reality,
start trusting yourself again, and
learn how to heal
so you can have a calm, peaceful, hopeful life.
Find out more here
Voice of Influence podcast
The Inside Story Podcast
The hidden epidemic of covert abuse and how the church should respond better and understand trauma